
Showing posts from August, 2012

Lesson Learned From an Unsettled Heart

A week ago, I walked into the living room after evening bath time to find a sweetie perched upon daddy's lap with a tissue compressed on a little finger.  I saw the blood and asked what happened but the sweetie said they did not know.   I asked again how a cut that large could happen and a person not know.   Shoulders shrugged.  We seem to forget how things happen when we should not have been doing them.   I asked again and again and flatly declared that the truth was not being told and that God and the child knew what happened.   As I thought of the behaviors and activities before the cut, it occurred to me what probably happened and this sweetie was to ashamed to tell on themselves.   I asked bluntly, after much prying, if that is what happened and I heard a low peep, "maybe."  I explained that we needed to know so that we could care for the sweetie properly. All band aided up, hugged, and prayed over, the darling went to bed. As My Dear and I lay in bed hours lat