Just Updatin' Ya!
I know, I have been quiet....but welcome 2nd trimester...that is enough explanation. I am once again able to prepare a meal for my family and able to lift my head off of the arm of the couch to teach school....it is good! I am growing and the girls like to check out how "HUGE" I am every night. Billy is getting a few fat jokes in on me. So, we are good....now on to the rest of our lives! If you follow me on FB, you know about this little lady. Dolly has her own goat, Johannahlee Purdue (named after some of Dolly's friends and the college the gentleman who bought the goat is attempting to persuade Dolly to go to) was a gift to Dolly from a team from our sending church. Those children's ministry volunteers are still loving on our kiddos from our sending church. The kids are as excited about this team coming as they are ab...