Just Updatin' Ya!

I know, I have been quiet....but welcome 2nd trimester...that is enough explanation.   I am once again able to prepare a meal for my family and able to lift my head off of the arm of the couch to teach school....it is good!   I am growing and the girls like to check out how "HUGE" I am every night.   Billy is getting a few fat jokes in on me.   So, we are good....now on to the rest of our lives!

If you follow me on FB, you know about this little lady.   Dolly has her own goat, Johannahlee Purdue (named after some of Dolly's friends and the college the gentleman who bought the goat is attempting to persuade Dolly to go to) was a gift to Dolly from a team from our sending church.   Those children's ministry volunteers  are still loving on our kiddos from our sending church. 


The kids are as excited about this team coming as they are about Christmas!   They enjoyed going out with them a couple of times during the week.  They joined them for breakfast each morning and crashed their lodging each evening.   These folks are so good to us.   We even had cake to celebrate Miss B's birthday a bit late, but that is who she wanted to celebrate with.   They are a part of a church partnership, the mission's first attempt at this.   They come two times a year and a couple of them came for a third time last year, much to our pleasure.   They put a roof on the school this trip....you know besides pulling the church together to help them find and purchase a goat.   Billy took this picture:

My Dear is full time at Mountain Maid and I have been doing a tiny bit of work on their FB page and website removing items that we no longer can obtain.   Mountain Maid is a self-help program that gives artisans, bakers, gardeners, woodworkers....a place to sell their work.   There is also a restaurant with good ole fried American foods in it.   You can purchase coffee, ice cream, vanilla, hamburger...you name it!   Mountain Maid employees about 45 people and the number does not include the artisans.  This is the sweetest fella around...no kidding!   Yes, that is a giant banana split he is holding!

My Dear has been experimenting with a hydroponic system.  The girls are doing Botany for science this year so they were enlisted to assist in planting the seeds.   They have enjoyed watching them grow.   They also enjoy going up to the greenhouses with just their Dad and Chester the dog enjoys going too on Mondays.   Mountain Maid is closed on Mondays but My Dear still needs to turn the pump on for the system.  Billy joined his dad for the construction a few days.   I have the stained shirt to prove it!

Billy took the following photos...

My Dear has had to learn a lot about running a business.   He is a mathematician so he does bring strength in looking at numbers.   Mountain Maid truly just makes enough money to keep it going.   As you do your shopping for gifts this Christmas, please consider giving more than once.   Give a gift that gives twice.   The gift gives to the recipient and the artisan who made it.   When you purchase from Mountain Maid, a person earns money for their time and talent and are able to care for their family and their church.   It really is a gift that keeps giving and giving and giving.   The missionaries who work at Mountain Maid are all self-supported so the money goes back into the people and keeping the business running that employees them.   GO SHOP:   www.mountainmaid.org

There are new items being made all of the time and some of them have yet to reach the web.   The sewing ministry in our north west location of Atrel made these....

Check out these guitar straps!   The bright colored straps were special orders.  The straps sell for $20.  (The nicely manicured toes are no longer available.   Furlough was a long time ago!)

And look at Miss B's new dress for her, one for her baby and their adorable headbands!   The set sells for $25.  What a steal!

You will NOT see them on the website.  BUT if you are interested, please contact me!!

This weekend, we will once again begin our language classes.   This has been difficult and frustrating but many have been patient with us.  There are several aspects to language:   speaking, hearing, writing and reading.  I am still very much an infant in trying to hear and speak it.   Folks we see often give us opportunities to continue to learn and are patient with us.   Just like today when an employee at Mountain Maid, who speaks English, asked me a question in Creole and waited patiently for me to pull my thoughts together to respond.   Truth, I feel like an old dog learning a new trick.   While on furlough, I asked my friend, Nicole, from college how we picked up sign language so quickly.   She said, in a loving way, "Cause we were 20 years old!"  Funny, the old dog comparison feels true for my pregnancy too.  But, what a gift to get to do this again....really!

The kiddos are moving right along with their school work.   Dolly and Miss B. have new friends that live up the road and they both enjoy playing with.   A new family will move in tomorrow.   They have a 14 year old daughter and a 16 year old son AND I have some excited kids to not be the only children on the mission!  Billy has taken an interest in photography if you haven't noticed.   Look at this picture he took of himself!   I think he likes gadgets and he has a few so this is a great way to use them.

Prayer Request:

*My Dear to lead with love and wisdom, the folks at Mountain Maid as he attempts to disciple them.

*A healthy baby.

*Students that enjoy learning and not just race to be finished.

*Wisdom, grace, strength...all that we need to assist in leading our children to a relationship with the Lord.   This is our highest calling.

*Language learning for all of us.

*The financial needs of the mission.

*The change of staff, as they come and go and that we "jive."  Yes, the Lord knows the word "jive."

Thank you friends for loving us and approaching The Throne on our behalf.  You are precious to us!
Now, go check out www.mountainmaid.org and find it on FB.  


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