What Can Happen Over Lunch

After a packed weekend and a rainy morning, we were moving slow on Monday. We had no place to go so it worked out perfectly! The children voted for pizza for lunch so we sat to eat. We were pretty much finished eating when Dolly says to me, "I need to accept Christ." She has made this statement before but when we asked why, her answer was, "so I can get baptized." As the momma, I need to be ABSOLUTELY sure that they know what they are doing and why.

So I asked her why she needed to accept Christ. She explained,and I asked questions. Billy was biting his tongue wanting to answer for her. She then announced that she was going into the other room to "do it." We stayed seated at the table. She then returned around the corner and said, "Well, I need you to hear me!!" (in her best duh tone!)

We decided to call My Dear at work, put him on speaker phone and Dolly started a prayer that went, "Dear God, I hope you are having a good day" and ended with, "please come into my heart." As soon as she said Amen-My Dear began cheering, B. started clapping and Billy and I were both grinning from ear to ear (with momma sporting moist eyes.)

I thanked God for how he orchestrated the day even down to the frozen pizza! For today was Dolly's Spiritual Birthday!

She got on the phone calling the grandparents, some other family members, then to her Mami and our dear friends from college. Each phone call, she would have the speaker phone on and each person celebrated over her. Her face was a plastered smile!

We put a note on her AWANA leader's FB wall and she told me to include lots of "excitement marks" at the end of her message.

Such a big day for her and a big day for us too! She chose to celebrate with Chinese that night-buffet not carry out (she was specific) and we were happy to treat even if it was off daddy's diet!

She has already picked out the clothes to be baptized in....I think the girl is pretty excited! She told me a year ago that she either wanted to be baptized where Billy was (the Jordan River) or the City Pool! I think her heart has changed on that one too!


YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am filled with so much excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sherry Stone said…
What a glorious day!

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