Blessed in this Mess!

I used to try to blog once a week and now I am trying for once a month.   I know it appears as if nothing is going on but it is just the opposite!

My sweet niece moved in with us, yes, we are a full mini van!
We celebrated a year of Tall, Dark, and Handsome being with us.
Billy celebrated his 11th birthday.
My Dear began a redo on our rotted deck.
Got to visit with my dad and Miracle Mama.
We started school using Tapestry of Grace and Easy Grammar with good ole Abeka math.
We added Miss B. to the mix of school- she is so fun!
I resigned from my part time job to continue doing some of it for free!   Only Jesus would call someone to do that!
AWANA began!
Billy was hospitalized with pneumonia.
Miss B. and Dolly attended a Teddy Bear Tea Party
Billy earned his green belt in karate ( a week after his hospitalization!)
Attended my High School class reunion.   FUN!
and we ate, slept, laughed, cried, prayed, praised, loved, and did laundry of course!

As I look at the list of the excitement that is life, I am reminded of how faithful God is.   He continues to show how BIG He is.   You see,

I have asked my niece to come live with us for years and she finally came to the end of the rope and let go!

God has taught me so much about myself from having this young man in our lives and in our home.   I am certain there is lots more but God needed to turn up the dirt a bit to get me growing.

My mom suffered another, much worse stroke while my dad was right beside her and able to identify what was happening to respond.  Dad called from the hospital to tell me while I was having a yard sale.   My precious "Mamaw" who adopted our family when we moved north, stopped by the sale just in time to allow me to come in and take a moment to pray and cry.   Mamaw was praying too and sending words via text to pray.   She also sent more folks to stop by and hug me!  Doctors were amazed that there was no addition damage and my father's faith was jump started!

School is fun again as we are working together on unit studies and Miss B is like most kindergarten students, a sponge!

Billy had a cold and the next day he no longer had cold symptoms but could not stay awake.   His heart seemed to be racing a bit too.  He began to feel a bit better in the evening but I decided to call the doctor in the morning against his wishes.   That doctor was shocked to hear how sick Billy was when he listened to him breath.   Billy spent 2 nights in the hospital which allowed My Dear and I to rotate and both get one on one time with our quality time kid.   The blessing in the mess.   Billy was blessed with visitors, gifts, and balloons and chose to give some balloons to other children at the hospital when we left.  He loved the large remote control, TV, a large variety of movies to borrow, and the comfy pjs not a hospital gown.

Billy was upset when he learned he would miss his pretest and may have to wait another 3 months for his karate test, but they let him go for it!   Tears filled my eyes as I watched the same kid struggle to breath  4 days earlier, now others are telling me what a good job he does in karate.

So many blessings of folks in my class of 56 people!   Nice to see them all after decades several years!

God is faithful!   Pray you feel Him near!


WOW! Sounds like lots of changes.....

I have missed you! :)

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