The "Little Sister"

I am the middle sister.   I have an older sister and a younger brother.   Because I am the "little sister" my wardrobe, for the most part, was prewashed- to say the least!  
One day, I asked my sister if I could wear her nightgown.   She replied no.   I informed her, that was okay because soon she would out grow it and it would be all mine!
My sister said, "Oh NO It Won't!"
AND as usual, my sister's determination won out.   I NEVER owned the nightgown.   She kept it hidden away from me until I was too grown to fit in it or even want it.
a blue eyed, blond middle sister won her over and cleaning out at home, she loaded a trash bag of goodies for my house.
So, Kim, this picture is for you!
Nana, nana, boo, boo, I HAVE THE NIGHT GOWN!!!


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