Messy Motherhood, Messy Heart

Saturday is a work day on the mission making it a 6 day work week.   My Dear drove a team to the airport but stopped at the grocery store on the way home.   I work Saturdays on the mission as well completing projects.   Today was no different.  When I got home from working in the dirty depot sorting through linens, I was a bit overwhelmed by the condition of the house where 3 unattended children had made sandwiches, opened mail,  and did whatever kids do and left the evidence!  

I was a bit hungry but could not function in chaos....I hear it is a sign of a weak mind if a person has to clean up so they can work...if so my mind is WEAK y'all!   I also had exchanged only a few words with My Dear throughout the day, maybe even the past couple of days.

We needed to make some decisions but being able to talk without interruptions or input was becoming difficult.   We were talking in the kitchen and little people kept entering and interjecting or arguing or just being loud (I know, shocker in our family!)  I asked everyone to leave the kitchen in hopes that My Dear and I could talk.   Now, I also know that one little person is extra curious and wants to hear all of the details....I know, cause I was that kid when I was little.   Riding "the hump,"  middle spot, in the back seat of the station wagon. pushing my face up between my parents so I could get the scoop!   No one wanted the middle anyway so I learned to make lemonade so to speak.

Again, My Dear and I attempted our conversation but they just kept coming.   One was there to help sit the table for dinner without even being asked.   Guess which one!   Yep, the back seat, hump rider!   Plates were less than carefully plopped from the cabinet making yet another noise disruption in my attempt at any type of conversation with My Dear.  It was the straw that broke the camels back!   Instead of kicking everyone out of the kitchen again, I barked specific demands of where they should be.   "I was just trying to help," said one tearful voice.  Not that being sent to the shower is always a punishment, but the tone, most certainly would make it feel that way.

Yep, I blew it!  

My Dear tried to explain to the children that we had asked numerous times for space to talk while I prepared dinner.   Let's be honest, the damage is done.

Sin is like that, you know right afterwards  *BAM* but the damage is already done!

Since missionaries are on furlough for Christmas, Dolly's Doggie Daycare had a client to care for. She's gone international y'all!   I did not want her to go by herself in the dark so to make up for my "performance" I said I would go with her.   After she asked over and over and over again , "are you ready?"  We were off.   We played awhile with the critter and then headed back toward our home.  As we rounded a corner, we heard music playing and singing in English.  

I asked Dolly where she thought it was coming from. We went on a walk across the mission in hopes of  finding the source in 1 of 2 places.   Right here on our campus, a group of young Haitian men were preparing to lead worship with a team that arrived today.   They were in full praise and worship!   Dolly and I entered and they asked if they were being too loud.   My response, "NO WAY!!"  

We sat with the young men as they sang some of our favorite worship music in our native language.   Such a sweet time with this little girl by my side.  I accepted the Lord's forgiveness from my earlier "tantrum" and just basked in who He is and praised Him for just that.....for being Him!

What a sweet reminder tonight was of the good gifts that God gives and that His timing is PERFECT!   Looking forward to tomorrow night as we will join these young men for worship again.   I might just have to jump around as they do as I belt out how God's grace rescued is indeed jump worthy!!


Unknown said…
Joy comes . . . in an odd variety of ways.

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