Once Was Blind

Last week, a team from our hometown were here.   I hope to share more on that later.  Because the team was here, My Dear had to gather interrupters for them.  One of those interrupters is a young medical student that did some language classes with us when we first moved.   The kids were happy to have Hassan back to visit with us.  Since he took time off of school to be here, he stayed with us where he could use the internet to study and study he did!   If he was not out with the team, he was studying....I was very happy for our Billy to see what studying looks like. 

One morning, Hassan stepped out to go to the pharmacy.   I asked him about the medication and he shared he bought it for a friend who could not afford it...a medical student, in Haiti...how much extra money could he possibly have?

Later that afternoon, Hassan walked through the door with a big grin on his face with two black plastic bags from market.   He looked at me and said, "she gave them to me" and just continued to smile!  A young woman was on the porch so I greeted her.   As she left, Hassan told me a bit of who she was so I had him call her back to take a photo of the two of them together.

Sometime last year, Hassan was interrupting for a team in Qui Qroit.   He noticed the young people were all running around and playing a game.   A young lady sat to the side.   Hassan went to talk with her and asked her why she was not playing.   She said she was fine.   With his probing, she shared that she was blind and that is why she was not playing.   Hassan told her that he did not realize she was blind.   Using his beginning medical background and knowing the culture, he assumed she had lost her sight due to diabetes.   A lady on the team was diabetic and tested the young woman's blood sugar.   Hassan said it was 500 and should be 90.   They gave the young woman some insulin and immediately her blood sugar went down. But that was a one time fix and not something her family could provide for her.   Hassan told her that he did not have money or medication but what he did have was Jesus and he prayed with her.   He asked her if she believed the Lord could heal her and she said she believed. 

Weeks later, Hassan was at the mission when the director introduced him to a new missionary.   Dr. Cowley, the eye doctor.   Hassan immediately remembered the girl at Qui Qroit and asked if Dr. Cowley could remove cataracts.   He said he could not but that a team of doctors were coming to do just that.  

Hassan contacted the young lady and she was able to have the surgery at our hospital, on the mission with Hassan assisting.   As Hassan told the story, he said, "Only God could orchestrate that."  After being blind for four years, this young woman can now see again.   She had walked from Qui Qroit that day.   I have been there and my eyes were probably as big as saucers as I realized the length of her travels and the hours she walked to get here.

As Hassan shared his story of this young woman, his smile widened and he ended it with, "She once was blind, but now she sees."   Praise the Lord for divine arrangements, for prayer and boldness to pray for physical healing that would lead to spiritual healing, and for sweet Hassan...yep, I am a bit bias on that last one and not because of the tshirt he is wearing in this photo.


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