Spirit Slammed!

The ladies of the mission gather once a week along with other English speaking ladies for Bible study.   We have been doing video based studies.   It really is an unique time for us to encourage one another in our walk with Christ.

Last week, during our time of homework, I read a verse I am sure I have read or heard before but this time, it SLAMMED on my brakes!

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of  redemption.                     - Ephesians 4:30

Grieve the Holy Spirit?   I know grieving!  I have done that a time or 2.  The children and I grieved a bit during the transition of the move.   I have been praying for my friend and her family who are still in a time of grieving the loss of a loved one.  Grieving is NOT fun!   I don't want to cause that on anyone.   But the scripture says that it is possible to grieve the Holy Spirit. 

Do not quench the Spirit.    -1 Thessalonians 5:19

Quench means to not allow the Holy Spirit to do His work.   So, what it comes down to this:  when I quench the Holy Spirit, I grieve the Holy Spirit.   When I feel the Spirit of God prompting me to do something and I choose not to do it, I am quenching the Spirit and therefore, grieving the Holy Spirit.   I do that with each act of disobedience and sin.  UGH!   I cause the Spirit of God to grieve!  

One night, I went to bed after a conversation with a woman.  She shared with me her concern for the choices another women was making.   I kept replaying in mind, "she knows better!" 

When I went to bed that evening, my heart was heavy for this woman and sorry that she could not just learn from others who made the same mistake but had to learn for herself.   I wrestled a bit through the night as the Spirit spoke to me saying:

 "You are upset about the decisions that this person is making and you don't even know if they have a relationship with me.   Yet, YOU!   You, who knows she is saved by grace, You continue to sin against me day after day.   Making your own decisions instead of what I have in store for you.   YOU, my child, YOU grieve me.   You make a choice and you turn your back on me.   You create a gap between me and you with your choices.  You quench me."

I awoke tired and a bit sad in that I know what the Lord spoke to me was real and was certainly the message I needed to hear.  Do I mess up still?  Yes.   Will I ever get it right?  No.   But what I can do is to come before the God of the universe and dump my heart.   I can spill out all that I have done to separate me from Him, cause that is indeed what our sin does.

I was convicted to spend more time with My Lord in confession.  I will continue to mess-up but what peace comes that I can go before THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE and He forgives me.  He gives me a clean slate and bridges the gap between me and Him....Him, being the SAVIOR of the WORLD! 

What a beautiful time of the year to reflect on the love the Lord has for us.  Time after time I sin.   I quench The Spirit and therefore grieve Him but He forgives me when I humbly come before Him and seek His forgiveness.  When that sin is removed, the gap I have created is decreased.   Thank you Lord for chance after chance after chance.....   I am humbly and eternally grateful.


buckandbev said…
This was just what I needed.. Thank you. I guess I can say "from the mouth of babes". Love little one, God Bless and Keep you and yours
buckandbev said…
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