Library Fun!

What an exciting weekend! Dolly enjoyed her first sleep over. We ate and laughed with our small group and I got to share once again about what I saw God doing in VNam and in my life while I was there.

AND the girls took their stuffed animals to have a sleep over at that library. No, the girls did not sleep over but the animals did! B. chose to take Sharky. She took a BB type blanket along with Sharky for the night. She did not like the idea of leaving Sharky there but, did not realize we had done so until it was too late . Mental note, 3 year olds are more then willing to take their toys places but they want to come home with them as well.

The girls made picture frames while they were there. They returned this morning to get their animals and the picture frames they made along with a little treat! (sorry for the poor scanning job.)

Surprisingly, Sharky likes the very same book B. does! He also sat at the computer and listened to Mercer Mayer's Just My Grandma and Me while he was at the sleep over. I guess since Sharky is from Florida and was given to B while she visited her grandma the beach scene in this book was perfect! They say, pets become like their owners, I think, we have a very observant children's librarian.

Dolly's spoiled Annie went as well along with her bed! By no surprise, Annie was reading Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy! Dolly knows to go to the O section for Fancy Nancy books and then to nonfiction for dog books. If ever there were a Posh Puppy, Annie would be it! What a little treat for the girls and for me....the event and our sweet librarian!


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