Billy had a cumulative final exam in 4th grade! I was nervous for me and concerned that I had not prepared him for it. I left a couple of days for review and then we went for it. I handed him his test and watched his shoulders slump over. He was already defeated, or so he thought.

He then told me that if he scored within a certain percentage, he was going to pay me for being such a good teacher. Cute huh! I graded the test and Billy got 98%! I went to the bathroom to clean up an accident and here comes Billy putting a dollar bill in my pocket! He reminded me that I had earned it. I think I might hang that dollar on the wall by my desk!

To make the deal even sweeter, we went to the park and invited some friends to join us. We decided to play soccer and Billy and another little boy chose teams. Billy got to choose and he picked me first! It was a good mama day! I made a buck and made the team!

You better believe, I was sure to remind My Dear of how we met-he chose my roommate for his wiffle ball team and she said she would not come without me. He won me by default! But my boy, chose me first! Who would have thought a wiffle ball game 16 years ago would still make me smile! My Dear would have been nuts not to chose my athletic roommate.


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