Pitchin' In

The primary responsibility of the kiddos and myself, for this season of our lives, is schooling.   But because the children do not have a schedule of activities in the evening , we can still help out as needed at the mission.   Dolly feeds the fish in the pond 2 times a day and also checks in on the zoo animals.   She "dog sat" for a family who went on furlough and whatever else comes up.   I know she has given impromptu tours of the zoo and have played with younger children on the playground who have invited her to play with them.   When the zoo keeper sees her coming, his hand flies up to wave.   He speaks to her in Creole and some days she comes home saying, "What does (this word) mean?"   There is a guard on campus that tries a different Creole phrase with her each time he sees her.   She asks him what it means and he tells her in English.   She said, "He always ask me that."   I let her know he was asking because she still did not know the phrase.   She does not shy away from his questioning as he is determined to teach her.  

Miss B. is still a bit fearful of folks she does not know.   BUT when Dolly came home from feeding the fish and shared that a little boy who spoke English, about Miss B's age wanted to play, I presented an offer I hoped Miss B. could not refuse.   She was washing dishes when Dolly asked her if she wanted to go play.   She said she couldn't because of the dishes.   I gave her the option to ditch the rest of the dishes if she would go to the playground.   DING!   She was out the door with her sister!

Billy has helped offer muscle when needed and recently helped to count out jewelry to fulfill an order for Mountain Maid.   Check out their goodies at www.mountainmaid.com   The sell of these items support the Haitians who make them.

The other job he LOVES is filling water bottles.   My Dear repaired a water filtration system when we moved here.  It is saving the mission and the staff a few coins.  We have water coolers in our homes and have a central location to get water and return our old bottles.   We have to use bottled water for drinking and some cooking.   It is near our residents so that is a blessing.   The water filtration system is up the hill at the gate of the mission.  To get the bottles from one location to the next requires just what a 13year old boy would LOVE to use!   AND oh Chester likes this job too cause he gets a free ride!

Last week, an unexpected opportunity came up to "help" that we could not resist!   Ice Cream taste testing!!!!   My Dear and work partner had some samples of ice cream to taste and needed opinions to know if they should sell it in the restaurant.  We had three very willing volunteers. 
Dolly giving it some real thought.   I think the chocolate chip was her favorite flavor.

Miss B. liked vanilla the best.  I guess it went with her bright yellow shirt.   If you trust a girl with one pigtail, you might like it too!

How did the ice cream rank?   Well,  no one LOVED any of them and the yellow vanilla was a little scary to even look at.   But it was fun to try!  It is not everyday a person gets to be an ice cream tester!


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