Day of Rest

I have learned there is no consistency to what my day of rest might look like.   Today's was very different but I can honestly say, it was a good day!

Snoozed the alarm 3 times for church.  You should know that I am not a "snoozer."  This was not a good start.

Instructed the big kids last night to set their alarms.   Fussing to prepare for church is no longer an issue for me.  They do it themselves and if they are not there when it starts, there are consequences in the area of their free time.  THIS is liberating for me!  And big sister woke little sister for me...who had a new dress so you only had to tell her once to get ready.

We came home from church and read a chapter in our book together and prayed.

I put on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt.  It felt like spring here today but our concrete house is much like a cave.  I have to wear a skirt anytime I leave our housing area.   Few businesses are open on Sunday or at least have limited hours so I rarely go anywhere.  Sunday afternoon is jean day!

We watched a "cheesy Jesus movie" as Billy called it.   It had some pretty valuable points in it about the book of Hosea.  Cheesy? maybe, but we all watched it together and no one really complained about it.

I made a pot of chili and we invited an intern to come over and eat with us.   My Dear has been out all weekend and I was sure he would be hungry when he got home this evening so the chili would work for that too.

I finished reading the book, For Women Only.  I wish I had that book 15-20 years ago.   Valuable information for wives.  I "lucked" upon it when my friend accidently left it here at the mission.  I was repacking it for her and decided I should read it before sending it to her....she agreed!  (Thanks Tracy.)   This is an excellent read for newly married couples and there is a For Men Only as well.  It is suggested that the wife read the book about women and make notes in it for the husband and visa versa.  I can see how truly valuable that would be.   I think at this point in our lives, My Dear could write his own book about living with me.  (He has me pegged!)

I jumped on the trampoline by myself.   My body is neglected in this area.  Our neighbors are close. I have been shy about doing that because I would be seen.  You know what, they don't care.

Electricity came on, so I sucked the little insect wings that cling to the concrete ceiling down.   This sounds like work but when you sit down and they are staring at you....when there is no electricity....yes, it was a PLEASURE to suck'm up!

Washing dishes are usually a burden to me but I do like a tidy rare as it is.   I boiled some water and took care of the dishes and wiped down the counter tops and felt ACCOMPLISHED! 

Laid down to take a nap and had to move the cat over then the dog found me.  We usually keep a critter free bed, but My Dear was gone and well, they are sweet when they are asleep.

Jumped on the trampoline with Miss B and rolled around and hugged, giggled, and played.

Chatted with my neighbor and loved on Baby Harper for a bit.

Watched online as a friend gave testimony of Christ's work in his life.  Thankful for the invitation.  After he shared his story, his brother came before the church to share that he desired a relationship with Jesus Christ.  How about that for awesome!


I enjoyed my home.

I enjoyed the beautiful weather and cleaned up in the yard a bit.  That was a joy because I was moving around a bit and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

I spent some time with my kiddos and see now that one got less time than the others. (Gotta get that time in this week.)

I thanked God.

I allowed God to love on me.

I made note of the work He has and continues to do in my life.

I am thankful for a day of rest AND that My Dear arrived home safely, the electricity came on long enough for him to get a shower and he had a wonderful weekend out sharing Jesus. 


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