Walk Across the Street

I always get emotionally when I think of what God has done. There are 2 sets of apartments across the street from our church. Since becoming involved in children's ministry, I have prayed that those children would just walk across the street. Can you imagine,being across the street and missing salvation! No! Nor can I imagine, attending church every week and standing judgement to say I had never crossed the street.
About a year ago, a mom needed prayer for her and her young daughter. A week or so later, while signing kids in for AWANA club, a new face came in with her 2 sons. I knew in my heart it was the mom I had prayed for but was too shy to ask-yes, I know I need to get over myself and yes, I can be shy!

One afternoon, when leaving a meeting at church, I saw a couple of yard sales at the apartments and pulled in and out stepped Jenny. I was at her apartment! She and I then began to talk. This step began my relationship with this incredible woman. Jenny's daugher Jaydyn requires constant supervision and care. This limits her sons being involved in activities other than school. Jenny got to know me a little and graciously allowed me to walk her boys across the street on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for AWANA.
I look forward to those walks and am humbled to serve the Lord and this family with this simple task. One night, as I walked across to get the boys for AWANA, other kids began to talk with them. I walked to retrieve 2 and returned with 7! YEE HAW! I am sure I was smiling ear to ear when we walked into the doors! I shared the news with others if they wanted to hear it or not. Jenny has also invited her teenage neighbors to check out the youth house, which they have done and keep coming back!

Jenny has commented before that people treat Jaydyn as if she is a vegetable but I believe she is a vessel. If Jenny was not confined to her home to care for this sweet little girl, neither of us would have ever walked across the street. Can't wait to see what God will do because a baby needed her mom and her mom needed prayer. Jenny and Jaydyn are two of my favorite missionaries. So glad we take the walk across the street!


Wendy Blight said…
Oh, how I loved your story today about noticing the apartments across from your church, about praying for what God places in our paths, about having eyes to see what He sees, about courage to obey once you have seen and heard...it is a beautiful example to me and all who read your blog. It brings alive His promise that "when you seek Me with all your heart you will find Me." The greatest way to find Him is serving and loving others. Thank you for this beautiful blessing today.

In Christ,

Judy said…
Melanie - in heaven you will have stars in your crown!
House Family said…
That is so wonderful . I know how your heart must have felt, what a feeling! Yes I think so much of Jenny for all she does
Sherry Stone said…
This reminds me of the song "Give Me YOUR Eyes", by Brandon Heath. What a blessing you have been to these children. The memories they are making going to church will always stay in their little hearts. We never know, one of these little ones might one day be the "next Billy Graham." Go GOD!!!

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