A Gut Shot!

This week, I realized our house is dirty! The bottom of the walls have dirty hand prints and the top has dust. The ceiling fans are fuzzy and the fridge had spilled, (it that chili?), in it! Not to mention, I am hosting my family for Thanksgiving!

I had contacted my sweet friend to see if she wanted to get together-just us girls-on Saturday. She agreed and then My Dear informed me of a place he needed to be until 2 that afternoon. I was home with the kids, so I decided to make the most of it. I did several loads of laundry, dishes, cleaned out the fridge-although Lydia wanted to clean the mystery chili out. Don't you love when that is fun for them! I straighted every room, fed children, baby to nap, then wiped down the walls in the kitchen. I worked like a MAD woman and the entire time I am thinking about me. I was pleased with the progress but in the back of my head, I resented it! I resented that I was home. I resented that my plans had to be altered. I resented that I was working so hard. Sad, but true, I resented that I had the kids alone another day. I resented that the world did not revolve around me. I resented that My Dear got to go and do. The entire time I clean and take care of the children, I am feeling sorry for myself.

When My Dear got home, he cleaned a couple of fans like I had asked and I snatched up Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life to relax before my friend arrived. On page 88, I read, "The key to friendship with God, he said, is not changing what you do, but changing your attitude toward what you do."

OUCH!!!!!!! What a blow to the gut! I was able to get so much accomplished and the kids were little angels all morning. I was pleased with my progress but in the back of my head, I resented it instead of seeing the blessing that it all was. My attitude broke my fellowship with God. I told myself I was doing it for my family, but I wasn't. The job is done but I missed the ministry aspect of it. I even had this part underlined from 5 years ago!

So, tomorrow, I will approach each task with a attitude that allows me to worship God while I, drive kids to music lessons, change diapers, teach, feed, step over toys, discipline, hug, babysit, fold, and mop spilled milk up out of the bottom of my once clean refrigerator. Hope your day leads you to a place of doing for God all of those things that you have to do anyway!


House Family said…
Thank you! I needed to hear this. I see myself doing this often. I need to remember to have another way of thinking too... Bless you
teachinmom said…
yup.....wearin' the teeshirt...
Melanie said…
oh my - i can relate! been there done that! I'm learning to take a look at myself before the Lord when I get to that point - which I was at this wkend! I was a little edgy and kept trying to figure out why.

Finally, I realized that I just needed some breathing room - and I think as long as I don't go to the Lord or my husband with a demanding attitude,that's okay.

I do A LOT with my kids and hubby, and that suits me fine because they truly are my favorite people - but I also know that at times I'm a better wife and mother when I've had some breathing room - away from them.

I ended up getting Sunday night unexpectedly to myself while sweet hubby took 6 kids to a basektball. I hope you had some fun too:)
Yep, got a dose of that today as I was "preaching to our soon to be 8 year old on that very thing"...then literally a few minutes later...needed my speech replayed to me! How humbling...
Judy said…
Melanie, you are so precious and real in acknowledging your feelings! In doing so the Holy Spirit led you to seek the One who knows and changes our heart - in the ordinary chores and details of our daily life!
JottinMama said…
I totally love this...and definitely relate! This hit VERY close to home.

I needed that! Thanks so much for speaking this truth into my life today!

May you be blessed as you prepare for Thanksgiving and go about your week!

-Kate :)

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