Hide It In My Heart

I am working on scripture memory. I know it is not a lot, but it is a goal I can achieve. I am working on one new scripture a month and one old scripture. What? I should know the old one? You are right, but many times I quote and do not know where it is found. Like in the last post-I knew that scripture was in Psalms but I had to hunt for it to share with ya'll. It is like saying, "Somewhere in the Bible it says...." I am just not down with that.

You should also know, that I am not a numbers person. When we moved to our current home, it took me a long time to learn our phone number. I had to start with a new area code! I think our son and I learned it at the same time!! I never called it so I had to look it up in my wallet to complete forms-sad. I did know My Dear's cell number though! *Brownie Points!*

My new verse is Psalms 28:7-now I am going to have to check the reference just be sure-yeah, I was right!!

The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.
The old verse is the verse from the last post....gonna' learn the reference this time cause God has given me plenty of opportunities for saying this one!


JottinMama said…
Great verse to memorize! Keep up the good work, girl!

Blessings to you in 2010!

Have a great weekend!

-Kate :)
Great work! Hey, we ALL need to do this!!!
Great thing to do. A really easy way to learn it...or at least for your kids to learn it, is to print it out in large print and put it on the fridge (that is if you can see your fridge from your table) and then read it out loud before meals. I've had a 3-4yo learn John 1:1-5 in no time flat...then after they learn it, they can help you remember the words....honest.
Rachel Olsen said…
Way to go on the scripture memory!

(I have a tendency to forget the locations myself sometimes.)

Hey, who knew a can of pears would warrant a work out ... what's up with that?!

Blessings ~ Rachel

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