Thank You God Celebration

This fall, I shared with you about my precious friend learning she had breast cancer. New Year's Eve, "Mami" as our girls call her, completed her last radiation! What perfect timing to refocus with thoughts of a new year. All along her journey, she has pointed others to her strength-God.

Her journey has not only grown her but those around her including myself. She shared on a Facebook status asking others to join her by shouting out Thank You God at a specific time on the day she would be finished with her last radiation treatment.

So we did just that, much to her surprise, our shouts came from the parking lot of the cancer center as soon as we saw her face! What an honor to celebrate with her and so many that have prayed, cried, and called out to God through our tears. What a celebration! I think we all needed it.

Since God is in the business of details, Mami's doctor was leaving work when he saw us. He grew up in our church and now brings his family. It was so fitting that he was there to shout Thanks to God too!

Mami has shared this experience with us. She has allowed us to pray, to sit in the waiting room, provide meals, and even little hugs from "the cheerleaders" as I called our girls. How beautiful is the body of Christ!

After the celebration I recited this passage to myself with a big ole' grin on my face, "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3 THANK YOU GOD!


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