Where You Go, I'll Go...

The week prior to our Spring Break, we were loading buses and vans to send children home from AWANA. As we were lining up and getting head counts a 12 year old decided she needed to go find her friend. I told her no that she needed to stay with the group and we would insure that her friend was on the bus. The child, same height as I am, pulled away in anger and giving me an ear full. I held on to her until I was able to position her in a corner for her to calm down. The entire time I am in this situation, she continues to "let me have it" and I continue to repeat the instructions to her.

Two things that went through my head....#1. I am not very strong, mental note to eat before AWANA because this confrontation was physical draining. #2. So this God, is why you had me teaching special education and going through the training for safe physical management.

You will be pleased to know that "the friend" was on the bus the entire time, but I now had a new enemy and a bus ride to take to talk to a mama. I rode in the back with other children to bring some kind of peace to the ride.

The younger sister of the 12 year old rode in front of me. The chewed me out the entire way to her county line home! I responded very little and talked to the children around me. I knew that my lack of response would be new to her. In fact, she did not know how to take it. It was sad and I tried to not let those words hurt my heart or the love I had for the child. So, I did what I had to do. As she continued to go on and on about something she truly knew nothing about, I closed my eyes and began to sing aloud. I knew it would catch the children off guard but I needed to say it out loud!

Out came Tomlin's, "Where you go, I 'll go. Where you stay, I'll stay. When you move, I'll move. I will follow you." I repeated the chorus, again and again. At first the children fell quiet and listened. Then the "abuser" began again. She continued until we got closer to home and then she popped around and immediately began apologizing. I did not make it easy for her and had her name the specifics of why she was apologizing. This then opened the door for me to tell her why I do what I do. Why Troy, the bus driver, picks them up. I told her about the Jesus in my heart that allows me to love her and forgive her. I will be honest, it was draining. But this I know, He called and...."Where you go, I'll go."


Thanks for sharing! Needed to hear this!!!--You are gentle as a dove and sharp as a serpent!!! I got the serpent part down alright..now I need to practice the dove with more love part!!! =/ Love you!!

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