Walk by Faith: Snowboots to Flipflops

A week ago at church Ms. Lida talked to her kindergarten class about the disciples leaving their old lives and all of their possessions and following Jesus when He called them.   The children were challenged to draw a picture or make a list of what they "cherish" to see that following Christ presents rewards that are far better than the things we hold close.   

Miss B's list read:  (errors included)

MY Litte blanky
My Friends
My Family
My home
My room
Our Toyroom
My bFF
My best budde
My MaMi

the back page continued....

My MoTher
My FaTher
 My sis
My brother

I Love God

This list is pretty precious but for me it was gut wrenching.   I knew something that Miss B. did not.   The God of the Universe was about to call her to give up the front side of her list...okay not give it all up but give up the way she knows it.  The exception would be the little" blanky" and that thing is MIA most of the time.  I held it together like a big girl but when I got home and shared it with My Dear the tears fell.

I look back and see God's hand ALL OVER this and that He has been preparing me for years....years!   It began in the musty basement of Central Baptist Church as a first grader as Ms. Lorena read to us about missionaries around the world.   It continues to a gift trip where we needed to save money to take care of our additional expenses.   God taught me the difference between wants and needs at a deeper level as "need" items in our home broke and I realized they weren't really needs.   A few years after that,precious teen  Annie jokingly (but seriously....which is so "Aunnie") called me a baby clothes hoarder and I knew it was time to let those go as well.  (Cue B. singing "Let it Go" from the Frozen movie as she reads over my shoulder as I type.)

So many things and I can't even begin to type about all of them.   But this I know.   That the God of all of  creation who Created me, knows my heart, my thoughts, my actions and ALL of my past... loves me and sees fit to allow me to serve Him.  

After almost 10 years at our church in Hoosierville, God is calling us to move to Haiti.  We will work with Baptist Haiti Mission to partner to strengthen the church of Haiti.   My emotions have been all over the place and I felt such a huge peace this morning as My Dear shared with the church of what God is calling us to do.   The church was precious as they covered us in prayer and as some family and friends joined us and have confirmed what we know God is speaking to us. 

We will work to raise support to care for our family while in Haiti. We will need to sell our home and a rental house.   We will rid ourselves of most of our earthly possessions especially those snow boots!  By the way, I apologize to all of you who are over winter.   It has all been a gift from God to me as He knows I so enjoy the change of the seasons.   Thanks for being patient as He blesses me with each snowfall!   On a side note, if you don't care for the winter months, plan to visit us next winter.   It is sure to be flip flop weather all winter long!    


Brenda said…
When I first heard this, I thought "I knew that was coming!" From all your curiosity these last 6 years regarding adoption & orphans, we have talked jokingly about how you are next. I know your heart is right in this area & God has been preparing you for a long time. I hope you will allow our family to visit because you know I have always wanted to visit Haiti. By the way, I have followed a blog from a family who lives in Haiti & runs a pregnancy/deliver center. If you are not familiar with them, I will get you in touch. I am so excited for you & your family. I really want to hear more!!!
Anonymous said…
Praise the Lord my wonderful niece and family. We will back you all the way. Our prayers are with you.

Unknown said…
Melanie, we have never met but I know we are Sisters. I read this with tears refusing to fall because of the joy I feel at your sharing.

I am so thrilled. I have followed yours and Mark's adventures and have seen the joy on your faces as you serve our precious sisters and brothers in our beloved Haiti. I am so happy for you.

I hope to one day bring some youth to you if Our Father is willing. I will be in prayer for you and your family for everything to fall in place.

I am so happy for you. And just a little jealous :)
Janean said…
Amazing to read....what an incredible experience for your children, and an awesome example you are setting for them to follow God wherever He may lead you. I can't wait to follow your journey!
Annie said…
This is so amazing! Of course, I'm terribly sad to be "losing" you and your gorgeous family, but I'm so happy for you at the same time. This is a journey that will provide you with so much richness spiritually, and enough memories to last several lifetimes. :) I would love to be able to send packages to your family from time to time, so please share your new address with me once you get settled. When are you leaving dear old Hoosierville? I most definitely want to say goodbye before you leave!

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