Worlds Collide

I love when people I know meet other people I know and worlds collide!

As you can imagine, the news of our moving to a third world country was not exactly exciting news to our parents.   Not because they do not love the Lord but because, well....they are our parents and we are taking their grandchildren with us.

Grandad has been to Haiti a few times.   In fact, he planned to go with My Dear on a trip last January but an accident kept him from going.   He had to use the ticket soon so, he is there now.   He called us this morning to ask where Baptist Haiti Mission is.

My Dear got an email later this afternoon from our friend Trey who is already at the mission.   He said he saw a guy in a UK t-shirt and being a part of BBN (Big Blue Nation for all of ya'll Hoosiers!) he went over to talk with him.   They chatted for awhile and the man asked if he knew My Dear.....yep, worlds collide as our friend and soon to be neighbor met our precious Grandad.


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