Christmas Cards and "More Dezus"

I am less then eager to take the nativities and Christmas tree down this year. I love hearing 2 year old Blake yell, "there Dezus(Jesus)" or "more Dezus" when she sees a nativity. When praying at night she will pray for "More Dezus" as if that is His name, but what a great prayer....praying for more Jesus and less us, in our lives.

My friend read in Home Life magazine last year a cool idea she suggested I share with you. Instead of throwing Christmas cards away or taking them to the recycling center, put the cards in a basket and pull a card out each week to pray for that sender(s.) What a great idea!!

If you sent us a card or put a card on a gift.....we will be praying for you this year! If we don't have enough cards to get through the year, we will repeat so you might get 2 weeks of prayer out of us!

Hey, if you are glad Michele shared this idea-post a shout out to her!

When we draw out a card, we will be praying that the sender knows Jesus as their Lord and Savior and that they grow in Christ cause we all need "more Dezus" in our lives.


Judy said…
Blake is the essence of sweetness!
Zoe Elmore said…
This is so sweet! Thanks for adding to the dreams and prayers list. Praying 2010 will bring God's biggest and brightest blessings to you.
buckandbev said…
I love your blog, but it sure makes me home sick! Give them all a big hug from Pa and Nana
JottinMama said…
What a cool idea! I love it :)

I hope that you are doing well and having a wonderful start to 2010!!!

Sweet blessings to you and yours,
Kate :)
Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
I love this idea!!

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