
I have been overwhelmed with possessions lately.   I want to shout out a word of warning to the world not to allow your possessions to own you.   As there was a need in our community or with friends, I enjoy collecting items from our home to give to others.   It is easy to give and I was glad to be able to do it.   I know that I have been entrusted with those things and if I am\ not using them, I am to give them to someone who would use them.  When our children abuse possessions or do not care for them, I was convicted that those things were given to us by God and we are to manage them in a way that honors Him.   We have been entrusted with this stuff.

Our children are probably the first thought in my mind when I think of "entrusting."   God has entrusted us with these people.   They are children now but will someday be adults.   They will be spouses, parents, employees, voting citizens, and disciples of Christ or at least I pray they will be.   They have been entrusted to us for a time.   We have no guarantee of the amount of time just that, we are responsible for them and will let them go to bless others in the world.   Well, at least that is the goal!

But do you know that is not all that we are entrusted with?   1 Thessalonians 2:4 says that we are "entrusted with the gospel."   WOW!   A box of old clothes is one thing but to be entrusted BY God with the Gospel message is something totally different.   It is not a cast off of what I no longer like or can't use.   It is not a child that will need me for a season of their life, it IS the Gospel.   This entrustment (so I may have made up this word.) is not just for me, pastors, or missionaries, it is for all of us.   We are to proclaim that God sent his only Son, Jesus as an atonement for our sins.  Our sin separates us from God.   Sins are the things we say, think, and do that break God's heart, the very things that Jesus died for.   Because of Jesus' life given on the cross and His Resurrection on the third day, we can be in a right relationship with God.   He no longer sees our sin but sees us with righteousness because of Jesus.  We are no longer separated from God!!!   This is the Gospel!   This is better than good news!   God's word says that I am entrusted to share this message with others.   Truth is, I know what God has forgiven me of so why would I NOT want to share this information.   You know, at one time I liked the stuff given to me, but that faded.    The children will hopefully grow and have their own families.   The gospel is continual and will never change but is forever changing lives.   I am entrusted with it forever.   What an honor, a privilege, and a responsibility.      


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