
As a little girl, our church participated in lighting the advent wreath and I loved it! I wanted my children to experience it as well. We have been lighting the candles on our wreath for the past couple of years but I did not fully know the meanings. I had been searching online but never really found what I was looking for. Then, while reading a blog I follow, she had my answer posted! If you have Advent questions check out

If you don't have a fancy wreath stick 5 candle holders out there and grab some candles at Dollar Tree-2 for a $1-3 purple, 1 pink, and 1 white. We light our candles on Sunday afternoons before eating lunch. We use our Christmas dishes and use the wreath as a centerpiece discussing their meaning as we light them. Our kids like to pick which candle they get to blow out when we are finished with our meal. You, like us, will be behind. For next year, I will make a note to store the wreath where we can get to it in November when Advent starts-now I will just have to remember where I put the note. Happy Advent!


McFurr said…
I love getting to hear about the Dearings this way. Here are 2 blogs you should check out.

A woman we met on a scrapbooking trip who is a wonderfully funny christian mom (who got us started on here). I think you would enjoy.


She is a mom of 3 who does a lot of reviews of kid products and also a lot of giveaways.


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