A Quiet Place

I received this poem on a poster for my 18th birthday from my life long friend. I have it by my desk. With the excitment and the aftermath of the holiday, I find myself going over it's words. Just wanted to share it with you.

A Quiet Place
I daily seek a quiet place
that's far from trouble and strife
Where I can piece together all
the puzzles of my life.
It's there, away from TV and books
and far from the telephone,
that I can fellowship with God;
just He and I alone.
And there God pours His balm of love
into the life I live,
And there I find a peace and joy
that only He can give.
I will not fear the circumstances
I face from day to day,
for daily, in my quiet place,
I'm learning how to pray.
Glenda Fulton Davis


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