A Similar Shade of Green

We are reading this book in Homebuilders class at church. I love my time with these folks! It goes so fast and I look forward to it every week! That is just a sidebar. Anyway, we have started our study on conveting. I have fallen in that trap so many times as you know without reason! I am blessed and then blessed again! The author, J.John mentions that we think other's grass is greener and we busy ourselves coveting it versus, looking at our own grass. So, here is a shade of my grass for a couple of days this week-there are weeds so be careful not to trip up in them and covet my grass as you read, cause you have your own Bluegrass!

1. Wanted to buy my friend a book that really ministered to her when she borrowed mine. Well, this week-I WON ONE! Called my girl right up to tell her the good news!

2. Sold a chunk of books I bought to resale and have made my money back on them fairly quickly as well as gotten the books our classroom needed.

3. Have felt insecure around a woman that I see weekly and then ended up having to set up my book sale booth right beside her. Our girls played together and we could SO be friends!

4. My husband has a job that allowed him to take our quality time-Man Cub with him to work the day of the book sale. Man Cub did his school work while daddy worked, enjoyed the vending machine and got to attend a party. Soda and inflatables, bet the little guy is feeling the calling to ministry now! Miss Sunshine went with him for a little while this morning and got her soda. I think this one is 4a. and 4b because ,what a dad!

5. A precious woman in our church is no longer able to operate her home daycare and homeschooling, she blessed me with boxes of materials and sweet folks to deliver them.

6. Only after I got home from church Wednesday night, did I realize I did not have bread to make lunches for the following day. Our neighbor had came over with a bag of goodies from the "old" bread store- donuts for breakfast, and a loaf of bread for lunch-a God of details!

7. We got a new phone and internet service. It is cheaper and packs more punch! Which means, My Dear is gaming right now and I am here-it is a beautiful thing!

8.My Dear called to inquire about our cable bill and actually got the amount reduced to less then we have been paying.

9. My Dear finally broke down and bought a For Sale sign for his beloved motorcycle. I know it says, "For Sale" but it says, "I love a chic with 3 carseats" to me.

10. Had plenty of help with Sparks at AWANA on Wednesday night and had an email the following day of a young woman who has "fallen in love" with some of the older kids and was asking permission to pull double duty and work with both groups.

11. I put the most precious little people to bed tonight and well, that grass, is a list in itself.


Melisa said…
You are blessed indeed, Melanie.
hoppymomto8 said…
That's a great list, my friend! I need to go make one of my own:)
Pops said…
If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence it may be because they're taking better care of thier grass than I am . Nana T reminds me that " perception is not always reality " .

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