Back to School Party

Public school started back this past week. I thought about the boys that have graced our yard this summer and how quiet our days were about to become. I also thought about the excitement that the first day of school holds and that some of those little guys would be going home to empty houses. I wanted them to have someone to tell about their day! So, we hosted an ice cream party. The kids and I did some grocery shopping to pick out goodies for the celebration. The boys all showed up (as usual) and were pretty excited. One guy brought his little sister. I was so glad to see them and hear them talk about their day at school. I have truly grown to love these fellas. Before we ate, I prayed with them thanking God for their great day and the fun summer we had together.

This masterpiece had blueberries in the bottom of it.
The sillies with ice cream on their faces.

This masterpiece had EVERY choice in it.
After ice cream, I had a few water balloons for them. Then they climbed on their bicycles and hit the ramps. What was a mom to do, but join in! Have a SWEET school year!


What a great idea! Way to make a difference in your corner of the world!

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