The Eagle has Landed!

After approximately 28 hours of flying....THE EAGLE HAS LANDED!!

We were welcomed to Vnam by 2 pastors and Grace our interpreter and a bundle of beautiful flowers. Folks were gathered outside the airport as if waiting for a celebrity. Apparently, there is no waiting inside the airport. No, they were not waiting for us but it still felt like a red carpet event-minus the cheers and photographers.

First lesson I learned in Vnam:

Laughter and Hallelujah are universal!
We were warned that sharing our faith and praying aloud may not be welcome. We pulled our luggage aside to get in the taxi. The taxi is a mini bus that plays Happy Birthday when it backs up. Not just this one, but many of them. Returning to the original thought....we gathered together to pray. Pastor "Smiley" raised his hands and loudly prayed thanking God. I was surprised by his boldness but could not help but say "Amen" as he spoke even though I could not understand a single word.
I did not get to sit with any of our group on plane but God arranged for me to sit with young women on the flights. One of which gave me a history lesson. She was returning to Vnam from the US after being gone for 16 years. Her mom is dying of cancer. She was sent to the US as a teenager by her parents when the US invited Vnam Americans-her father is American to relocate to the states. Her friend rode in a boat for 30 days to arrive in Hong Kong before the border closed to them. Amazing! Sad, how you miss history even while you are living in it!
I seem to be going backyards in this post. I will blame it on the time change!! To bad is does not upload like pictures!
On the morning we left, I was attempting to tie up loose ends at our house and left so much undone. We arrived at the church to find a host of warriors there to send us off. I had to remain in the vehicle awhile to have time with God but still fell apart when my cancer surviving sister stepped toward me with her arms opened. Just months early we celebrated the end of her radiation in a surprise gathering just like this one. My eyes tear up even now as I see God at work and the blessings of amazing folks in my life. Many folks said they were praying for us but not until I saw them standing at the church, was I able to see prayer in numbers. Overwhelming! I read a flair on Facebook that says, "If prayer was rain-you would be soaked." I felt drenched!
Check out these 2 bloggers also on our team:
this little light of mine at
You can click on both blogs by going to the blogs I follow.
Yesterday, 2 friends took off to North Africa.......pray for their safety.
Today, my friend Stacie left for Ethiopia to bring home her baby girl. There story is in my follow list as well, The Gift of Mercy.
We are to go to a house church tomorrow to lead their service.....should be fun for us and Grace our interpeter. She will be a busy lady!!
Thanks for checking in!


Unknown said…
Hi Honey,

We are trying to get the video camera ready for our first video conference with you. Can you tell us a good time.

Oh Dear said…
We are 11-12 hours different.
The McCreary's have their skype set up-call for help if needed. Add Chelsia as a contact. I will arrange my sleeping to see sweet faces!
Love ya'll!
Unknown said…
we have set up Skype. I found the problem very quickly. THe camera and stuff was only compatible with Windows xp and vista. Your new computer is Windows 7. All chelsia has to to is accept me as a friend and we are ready to go.
buckandbev said…
Love you..........Give them all a hug from us. We will keep you in our prayers. See you soon Middle Button. Mom and Dad
nakia said…
Oh my Melaine you are such a wonderful person I pray that lord leads you to great things.. which has already has.. I'm praying for your safe return home.. love you girl...

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