Hotel Water and Upper Room Water

The last post I mentioned the 2 temperatures of water in Vnam. I shared my observation with our group. The ladies all laughed and the men looked at me funny. They informed us that hot water was provided with a flip of a switch, the switch we had all played with but did not know what it did. We are in a new hotel now but last night we ladies enjoyed our first HOT shower!

Before heading to Vnam, God began to deal with me on some baggage in my past. I asked Him again and again why are you asking me to deal with that now? I was hoping He would instead choose to prepare me for this trip. I knew He was speaking to my heart but did not know what He wanted me to do with the baggage. I was certain God would show me after I returned home from Vnam.

We were to go to the training center to meet with the pastors and their wives again. I was truly looking forward to it this time unlike the day before. These women were so heavy on my heart for what they faced each day for the gospel of Christ. I was ready to love on them and get the ME out of the way. Language barriers are only language barriers to the ME not to Him!

Because of their humble positions and lifestyles, I was in awe of them. God called me to humble myself as well. I spoke with Sunny, the speaker for the ladies, and shared that God had laid on my heart to wash their feet. Now, at least 2 of our group members have feet issues-feet gross them out. But they pushed the ME aside and agreed we needed to do this.

The women were unaware of what was about to happen. They were asked to make a large circle and we entered with large bowls and towels. I am not likely to finish this post without tears-I hope I don't short out the keyboard!

As we washed their feet with our bare hands-walls came down! It was humbling for every woman in the room. Tears fell from their eyes as they prayed aloud in the room. Two languages, 30 to 40 women- all praying to the same God. We prayed as we touched their dark feet, many that had traveled several hours to be there. God began to speak to me over specific prayers for these women. All the while, these ladies were praying for me too. After each lady, I embraced them in tears. I kissed their cheeks, but they push their faces into mine and literally breathed me in. It was the body of Christ- in unity as we washed the feet of Christ.

As I went to wash the last person's feet, I looked up to see the young face of a woman whose deepest prayer I knew. The tears began to fall as I then realized that God was indeed hauling my baggage out of me at that very moment! I sat at the feet of a women and pleaded to God for a gift that I had and misused-the baggage I have hauled for years. My tears bathed her feet as they fell uncontrollably. My pleads for this woman came from a heart that had refused the exact gift she was pleading for. I had prayed for the other women, but for this woman-I begged God.

No one knew what we were getting into! The moment was so powerful that we held up the training! The ladies then circled us up and prayed over us. They usually speak and pray so quietly but this time it was a call to a powerful God in a voice of boldness.

There are so many differences between us and them (I will post some of these later) but from this moment forward our connection to them was truly servants of the living God!! Hallelujah!

Dear God,
Thank you for seeing my life in your time line and for choosing to nudge me along to healing. Your ways are higher than mine and I am beyond thankful.


Brenda said…
How powerful, Melanie. What a blessing you were to these ladies & them to you all. You all are the hands & feet of Christ.
Anonymous said…
Wow Melanie that was very moving! We really do need to take the time to talk when you return to us. I have sooo much to ask and I feel you will understand my questions.
Love to all, AuntD

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