Ball Field or Mission Field?

I was DREADING baseball season! Don't get me wrong, I love watching my darlings but I don't like the demands of baseball games and practices. This year, instead of one player, we had 2. L. played t-ball and C. was beginning his first year of coach's pitch. In t-ball, everyone wins including me because My Dear coaches and I can skip any practices they may have. But coach's pitch was 2-3 times a week and one of those nights was Wednesday nights-church night.
My Dear and I both have teaching responsibilities on Wednesday nights and Man Cub was finishing his year in AWANA-and that was priority. I let the coach know of this priority from the get-go. C. was able to play for about 30 minutes of the early games before we had to leave and would miss the later games. The little guy did great with this and it was worth it to him to have the 30 minutes to play while little sisters and I picnic dinnered in the stands. With 2 kids playing, we were at the park 4 nights a week with "Little Miss Striving for Independence" in tow. Do you see why I was dreading this?
God had plans for me at the ball park other than cheering like a wild woman! (Which I am VERY good at-thankyaverymuch!)
I met other moms! One mom I sat and chatted with through the 2 hour long coach's pitch practices. She spoke of disagreements in her marriage and concerns for her children. She knew we left early on Wednesdays but did not know why. One night, My Dear was able to pop in for "changing of the guard" so I could head on over to church. I said something to him about church which this mom overheard. It opened up more discussions. It was simply an opened window and I was privileged to be sitting there with this sweet mama.
Another mom I met, reminds me so much of my life long friend who lives back home, so I immediately liked her. Today she gave me a note that humbled and encouraged me. Although she handed me a note, it was more like a pom-pom to my heart!
I am reminded that where I am, IS my Mission Field. I do not work outside of the home and some days my interactions with others is limited to our little people but I am on My Mission Field. For my teacher friends, their mission fields are at school, for others factories, as a consumer-the stores we shop, as a little league mom-the ball field, the library on story time days and so on. . With that being said, I think I am a little sad that ball season is over but am so glad for the dusty fingerprints it has left on new relationships. Huh, wonder what God thinks about a Pool Ministry? Heading back out to the field!


Judy said…
Good post Melanie!
Tami said…
we'll keep working on the pool for the summer and then the park for fall. What about the winter field? Some sort of art, science, or nature club. . . ?
Melisa said…
Thanks for sharing that delightful reminder that I am on the mission field too...whereever I am! Have a great week!
buckandbev said…
Is it just me but don't those pictures look some I have seen somewhere before. Beautiful subjects!!
Oh Dear said…
So nice to have a family photographer although he seems hard to grab with a remodel going on in another state!

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