New Favorite Vegetable

A couple of years ago, My Dear took our little man cub to his first Men's Shoot Out. The Men's Ministry at church hosts an all day event of food, ATVs, target stuff! We tend to feed our kids what we eat and since his plate was prepared by a CARNIVORE-CARBOHYDRATE KING, I wondered what he ate so I asked him when he got home that night. He said brownies and apparently, a lot of them! I asked if he brought one home for me and he responded with, "tell me something you don't like?" I assured him if they had nuts in them I would eat them. Not good enough for him so I finally responded, "Peas-I don't like peas." "Yep," he said, "they had peas in them!" Peas has since then been a joke between us.

Fast forward a few years-the boy loves breads! I cut a piece of fresh baked bread for him that a friend had made. As he went to take a bite, I informed him it had peas in it. You can image his surprise to look in his bread and see green! The joke was on him and he now has a new favorite vegetable! (Thanks Janet!)


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