You Never Know Who is Watching

Just when I think my body is back to normal, I lay awake in bed. I am aware that the happenings of the trip have invited some spiritual warfare so please continue to pray for those you read about. So here is what has been on my heart to share with you.

Each time we left the hotel, we would pray together. When we got to Vung Tau we had enough room to stand in a circle holding hands right outside of the hotel. The hotel manager asked our translator Grace why we did that. Grace told me about her posing the question, told me she spoke English and prompted me to go to talk to her. Grace was our eyes and ears! She invited us to join in where God was working.

I walked into the lobby to check on Grace while the rest of the group waited for their dinner. I saw the young woman and went to talk with her. Because both of us had a strong dialect, I had to strain to understand what she was saying and I am SURE she had to do the same. I told her what I believed and then went back to our table to get a tract to take to her. I asked her to read it and she said she would.

She talked with Grace again. She told Grace that 2 people in her life had told her about Jesus. But 3 years ago, her boyfriend died while they were at the beach together so her heart had been hardened. In their talking, this young woman ask Jesus to be her personal Lord and Savior and she began a relationship with Him! Grace joined us at the dinner table to share the good news!

Sam and I would hug the hotel manager each time I saw her but then again Sam hugged everyone! The day we were packing to leave, this precious woman joined us in our circle to pray!

As I was walking down the steps to board our taxi/bus she held my hand as far as we could reach. She did not just hold my hand but we held tight. She stood on the porch until our bus was out of view and I watched and prayed for her as we pulled out. The tears came as I watched her stand there all alone. She was so heavy on my heart. I felt like we were her hope, driving out of her life forever. But then God laid it on my heart so gently, that we were not her hope, we left our HOPE there with her.

Her life is changed forever. Grace said she would return to the hotel occasionally and be able to encourage her. She also had suggested a church for her to attend in the area.

So what about you? Folks are watching and waiting to see Jesus in you! Are you pointing them to Him?


Melanie said…
Wow - I am enjoying these posts so much.The feet-washing post was powerful! I love your servant's heart.

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