When our Lydia was a baby I had a digital clock in her room. It helped me to decipher her cry and know what she needed. For several nights in a row the clock read 3:33 am. When I saw it, I recited Jeremiah 33:3 : "Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know." It was nice I know the scripture but I needed to DO the scripture. So as I fed my infant, I talked with my Savior. Whenever you see the numbers 333-PRAY. Have the kids watch for the numbers and pray with you. They can be on a clock, a house number, phone number....where ever Just go 333-its God's phone number!


Unknown said…
A speaker at a MOPS convention talked about this one time. She is blind and she was talking about how she taught the Bible to her two young sons. Every once in a while she would call out what time it was and they would go through the Bible book by book and try to recite that verse. ie. Genesis 6:10, Exodus 6:10, etc. They would also do this at the dinner table and lunch and so on. Great idea!
Wendy Blight said…
It's Wendy, and I want to thank you for the beautiful prayer you left on my blog about the release of my book. There is no sweeter prayer you could pray than for this book to go to the hearts whom God has prepared to receive it. That has been my prayer from day one, and I trust and believe He will bring hope and healing to those women, and they, in turn, will bring glory and honor and praise to His name!

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