Led by a Child

Wednesday night means AWANA club! Although with the harsh weather conditions and half of our team not able to be there tonight, I hoped there would not be a lot of kids. I know! It is awful but it is the truth. To get the kids motivated, I challenged them with obtainable goals if they did the work. Man, did they work! But not until I was home with my kids in bed did I hear how much work was really done!

A mom called me to tell me a conversation that she and her 2nd grader, Naomi had. A girl from Naomi's class at school came to AWANA with another of their friends. The girls were so excited to have their friend there. I checked on the kids and saw that Taylor was doing well learning John 3:16. Close to the end of the evening, the girls were in group time together-all 3 of them. The teacher of this group was simply filling in for the usual teacher. She talked to the kids about the plan of salvation. She told them if any of them would like to talk about it, she would be available to talk with them. When Taylor heard this, she asked her friend Naomi about it because she needed to do that-ask Jesus into her heart. When Taylor asked, Naomi confidently answered. She prayed the prayer of salvation and had Taylor repeat after her. Naomi was so confident that she never told a teacher but rather told her mom when she got home tonight as a way to celebrate! A second grader led a child to Christ!!! How COOL is that!

Oh God, that I could be as bold as Naomi and as obedient as Taylor. I am so blessed by what You do despite me.


Judy said…
Oh Melanie that is simply wonderful! Precious and bold Naomi,and her thoughtful mother to call you that evening to share the news. Dearest Melanie - you are a little blessing and I can't wait to share this with Ed.
Melisa said…
Awesome testimony! Thanks for sharing that...

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